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World's First Baitcaster Rod with Underwater  Fishing Camera

Experience the future fishing

World’s first baitcaster fishing rod with a built-in camera, designed to elevate your fishing experience to new heights.


Enhance your experience by adding VR glasses for a more precise and comfortable live view underwater while fishing. Discover what was previously impossible to see with a traditional fishing rod.

Underwater Fishing Camera with Real-Time Viewing

Now you can watch how fish strike your lure, observe their reactions, and see where they hide. With the GSvalue fishing rod, you can analyze these behaviors in real time, using actual data to improve your fishing strategy.

Film Your Catch and Show to Others

Using this underwater camera fishing rod will transform your fishing adventures into exhilarating journeys. Imagine the thrill of watching fish interact with your lure in real-time, unveiling their mysterious behaviors and patterns.